A ban on Israeli settlement goods

I support a ban on Israeli settlement goods. Israel must stopping profiting from human rights abuses.

I am all too aware, as are so many of us, of the Israeli government’s oppression of the Palestinian people, and in so many ways.

The conclusion that Israel is an apartheid state has been drawn by international, Israeli, and Palestinian human rights organisations. Amnesty International has concluded that the government of Israel “must be held accountable for committing the crime of apartheid against Palestinians.”

The occupation of the West Bank has no legal basis and the building of Israeli settlements in occupied territories is illegal under international law. The suffering experienced by people who are forcibly evicted from their land and homes in the West Bank is an outrage and the act of expulsion itself is criminal.

The theft of land and homes in the West Bank, outside of the 1967 borders, is a continuing and illegal endeavour designed to thwart any chance of a Palestinian state.