In my last report, I lamented the carousel of Conservative chaos that had dominated so much of our news and lives. The day after the report was published, Liz Truss resigned. Following the coronation of Rishi Sunak, the new Prime Minister told us to prepare for difficult decisions ahead. The Financial Statement will be due 17/11. I will continue to oppose austerity and fight for the only fair and workable solution to the cost-of-living crisis: a redistribution of wealth and power.
I’m delighted to share some good news: following the Boundary Commission’s final consultation, there will be no changes to the constituency boundaries of Islington North. Thank you enormously to everyone who registered their objections. I do believe they must have tipped the balance.
In Parliament and work with other MPs
In politics and parliament November continued in much the same way as it ended in October, with my work defending the rights of asylum seekers and refugees. Following Suella Braverman’s re-appointment, just six days after she resigned from the previous government, the home secretary accelerated her assault on the most vulnerable in society.
In response to the firebombing of an asylum processing centre in Dover, and reports of appalling conditions at Manston “processing” centre, the home secretary invoked dangerous language to imply the UK was facing an “invasion” on our southern coast. Instead of dehumanising desperate people, we must expand safe routes and end the hostile environment.
In response to a statement made by the Minister for Immigration this month, I made the following contribution:
“Will the Minister confirm that to seek asylum is a perfectly legal thing within international law and, therefore, UK law and that loose use of the words “illegal asylum seekers” is dangerous for the individuals concerned?
Has the Minister’s attention been drawn to the Council of Europe report on pushbacks across Europe of people seeking a place of safety in a number of countries, including this one? They have been pushed back and left in places of enormous danger. Will he confirm that Britain will not be involved in sea-bound pushbacks towards France that leave people in enormous danger? Instead, will he recognise the humanitarian needs of, frankly, deeply desperate people to whom we should
be holding out the hand of friendship, not condemnation?”
Care4Calais launched their report in parliament (16/11). This organisation does brilliant work on the ground on behalf of refugees in transit and I plan to visit the area with several other parliamentary colleagues as soon as we can arrange it.
This month, Rishi Sunak was dragged kicking and screaming to COP27. I have been very clear: as our planet stands at a tipping point, COP27 must be the moment we support the poorest for climate loss and damage, and deliver systemic change on a global scale. In Parliament, I asked the Prime Minister if he…
“would confirm what the previous Prime Minister told this House, which is that no British bank, financial institution or company will henceforth be allowed to invest in fossil fuel extraction anywhere in the world as part of our contribution to bringing about net zero globally?”
I also called for a National Care Service. After being subjected to unparliamentary language in the House of Commons, which amounted to a mental health slur against those suffering from dementia and senility, I emphasised the gravity and seriousness of the social care crisis. After years of austerity and privatisation, our care sector is in pieces. It’s time we built a publicly-funded care service, free at the point of use for all those who need it. You can read more about my argument, in a piece I wrote for Tribune last week, here: Dementia is No Joke – We Need a National Care Service.
The All Party Parliamentary Human Rights Group (PHRG) hosted Mary Lawlor, the UN Special Rapporteur for Human Rights Defenders at a meeting in parliament I attended. PHRG meetings are, it has to be said, almost always especially good value. The coordinator is extremely experienced and ensures that the subject matter is important, the speaker/s informative, and the attendance good. This meeting was no exception.
In late October, in the company of Peace Brigades International I met with a prominent Mexican human rights defender who has spent the last 30 years defending indigenous communities in the Sierra Tarahumara, Chihuahua.
The Council for Arab British Understanding (CAABU) brought 3 expert human rights defenders over from Israel and Palestine to London and I had the pleasure of meeting them in parliament, B’Tselem among them. It is one of the six Palestinian human rights organisations recently raided by the Israeli authorities. Also in attendance were representatives from the leading Palestinian human rights organisation, Al Haq, and the Bedouin community who face persistent forced evictions and home demolitions. They pressed for respect for human rights across Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories, in the face of a system of institutionalised discrimination and persistent violations by the Israeli authorities.
Brazil looms large on the political scene this month with President Lula’s narrow victory. An informal celebration held at the Bedford Tavern (12/11) was a good occasion for a microcosm of his UK supporters to gather together. I was privileged to act as an election observer at this election and could not be more pleased with the result. I wrote about that visit in a number of media outlets including the Independent and Tribune.
After many years of hard work, a significant statement was put out by the Foreign and Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO) recently relating to the Chagos Islands (04/11). I referred to it in the EDM I tabled:
EDM 565 British Indian Ocean Territory sovereignty negotiations:
That this House congratulates His Majesty’s Government on its decision to begin negotiations with Mauritius concerning sovereignty of the Chagos Archipelago (British Indian Ocean Territory) to seek agreement to resolve all outstanding issues in accordance with international law including those relating to the former inhabitants; recognises that this is a significant reversal of a long standing policy; acknowledges the tireless campaigning by the Chagos Islands (BIOT) APPG and its Coordinator since 2008, the work of the Chagos Refugees Group and other Chagossian organisations, and the roles played by lawyers, the English and International courts; looks forward to the day when Chagossians who wish to return to the islands are permitted to do so.
I attended a reception in the Grand Committee room in parliament to mark the 62nd anniversary of Cyprus’ Independence (25/10). In my speech I raised the need for unilateral access and for the reunification of the island.
I’d like to congratulate all those participating in UK Parliament Week. This is an opportunity to empower young people to fight for the issues and campaigns that matter to them.
I remain a member of several All Party Parliamentary Groups and Parliamentary Groups including the Parliamentary Socialist Campaign Group (SCG). The SCG meets regularly in parliament to discuss how best to promote a socialist agenda both within and without parliament.
My most recent outputs, be it a parliamentary intervention or speech, or a comment outside the confines of parliament are all accessible on my social media which can be easily located on my website: Jeremy Corbyn MP
November is Islamophobia Awareness month
I was pleased to say a few words at Finsbury Park Mosque (11/11) on the importance of Islamophobia Awareness Month. Racism is not acceptable in any form whatsoever. I will never tire in fighting for a society of inclusion, love and equality.
Thousands gathered in London to attend the People’s Assembly Rally (05/11), joined by a plethora of social movements, trade unions and community groups. I argued that inflation was not being caused by wage rises, but by egregious profiteering, and that the solution to the cost-of-living crisis was not to slash public spending, but to bring energy companies into democratic public ownership.
The Assisted Dying campaign often holds meetings in parliament and if I am unable to attend I try to ensure one of my team stands in as was the case this week (15/11). These are important discussions, particularly in light of questionable responses from certain health professionals and police. There is a distinct lack of clarity over existing laws, especially in relation to the impact of individuals and their loved ones who choose to travel for this option. My reservations toward “assisting dying” lie in a wider opposition to our inadequate social care system, which may create unequal pressures to opt into an assisted dying programme, in addition to pressures an individual may feel (especially where there is an inheritance issue) from those around them. However, I remain open to these discussions, and committed to a wider goal of ensuring everyone can have the healthcare they need, and die in dignity.
October was Black History month as you know, and I continued to attend relevant events in the latter half of October (this report routinely commencing mid month as it does).
Hornsey Lane Community Centre (22/11) held a terrific event for Black History Month. We enjoyed chats and reminisced about a generation that has given us all so much. We explored the work of famous Caribbean writers and poets such as Andrew Salkey, Kamau Braithwaite and Derek Walcott.
A celebration of Black History was also hosted by Cllr Michelline Ngongo at the Light Project Pro International (LPPI) (22/11). The event was supported by Cally Cross, and featured Islington based entrepreneurs’ stalls and pop-up shops. It was a celebration of local, black-led businesses and entrepreneurs such as New Beacon Books, Shae Love, Roxy’s of London, and Grime King. We enjoyed delightful performances from LPPI’s supplementary school children, local performer Fatima and dancer Onyeka of Afrobics.
I attended a joint NEU, ASCL Land NAHT zoom Meeting (16/11) to discuss the crisis our schools will face next year, if the government’s new proposed budget cuts which equate to £1bn in real-terms are to go ahead. I whole-heartedly support their vital School Cuts Campaign, and encourage everyone to do the same:
I spoke on a zoom Welsh Labour Grassroots meeting (20/11).
Carol Turner, a longstanding CND activist organised a conference held at Birkbeck (20/11) on ways in which new and emerging technologies are likely to influence warfare in future, addressing AI and robotics, hybrid warfare, the militarisation of space, etc, and asking what lessons peace and anti-war activists can learn. I gave the closing speech.
I contributed to the adjournment debate on Ethiopia in parliament (16/11, refer social media).
There was a parliamentary lobby on the issue of Tigray and I’m pleased that some constituents were able to attend. There is a very dire situation going on in Tigray and I subsequently asked parliamentary questions on the subject.
I visited the National Youth Theatre (NYT, 11/11) following the redevelopment of their building on Holloway Road. It was a pleasure to drop in on the different classes and meet the young people who benefit from the range of accessible programs which the NYT provide. We are lucky to have such an outstanding organisation and its facilities here in our constituency.
I met with Acorn (11/11), the renter’s union, and was very pleased to learn that they are setting up a local branch in Islington. At the moment they are going door to door getting to know local residents and the issues they care most about in the local area. I am told an official launch will take place in the new year, so if you would like more information and if you are a private renter wishing to get involved you can check their website at
I was delighted to speak at the AGM of Islington People’s Rights (15/11) who continue to do an amazing job championing the needs of our Islington residents, and have done for many years. They are extremely adept in accommodating the fact that I never quite know at what point I’m going to arrive because of voting clashes in parliament.
Accompanied by Emily Thornberry and Council representatives, I was pleased to witness and speak at the unveiling of a plaque in St Paul’s Place to honour Richard Adams, the author of Watership Down (11/11).
The launch of the Let’s Talk Islington exhibition took place (08/11) at the Candid Art Centre, and I found it extremely interesting and had it gone on for longer I’d have thoroughly recommend a visit.
At Conway Hall I met with 2 finalist constituents in the London Youth Awards (07/11). These awards are a celebration of the impact of youth work and the people who make it happen.
At the Metropolitan University Economics Society (04/11) I spoke on the current Economic Situation of the UK, which was followed by a sincere and thoughtful discussion with the students. Those I spoke with were a testament to what a valuable institution of learning the London Met’ is for our constituency and society at large.
I thoroughly enjoyed my recent visit to Mildmay Community Centre where I spoke with Lorraine (03/11) who runs the community kitchen and foodbank, and Dom who runs the community garden. Community centres are the hearts of our neighbourhoods and are run by people who do incredible work driven by their love for their community. I am always humbled to hear of the remarkable work done in what are truly challenging conditions. I applaud every member of staff at Mildmay Community Centre and at every community centre across the country.
The Campaign Against Empty Homes (22/10) invited me to speak and I was pleased to, in keeping with some 35 years of personal campaigning to ensure housing that people can genuinely afford is available to all as a right and not a luxury.
I attended and judged jam and cakes at a Vegbox birthday event at St George’s Church (22/10)
I laid wreaths, as I do every year, at Islington Green, and later Manor Gardens in honour of Remembrance Sunday (13/11) accompanied by Emily Thornberry MP and other local dignitaries Council representatives. I read Edward Thomas’s poem, The Owl.
Strike picket lines continue and I’ve attended where I can, alongside the RMT, CWU, UCU and the GMB.
I had a zoom discussion with the Council staff regarding the Shaolin Temple (20/10). I support the Council in their efforts to identify suitable Gypsy and Traveller sites in the borough; I also recognise the cultural and religious significance of the Shaolin Temple which has provided important services to the community for the last 22 years. I hope we can find a resolution that recognises both objectives.
I get huge numbers of requests for interviews (media as well as personal), podcasts, videos of all kinds, and am constantly plucking those that matter significantly from them for time is short and many of the requests are inevitably low priority. I respond to media requests, prioritising the cost-of-living crisis and the strike action (totally related), as well as housing, the government’s fiscal plans, and international justice.
Manor Gardens Centre bid a fond farewell to their chief executive, Katy Porter and I called in at her send-off to say a few words (01/11). Over the years she has done a great deal of good work there.
I carry out my different roles as Trustee or Patron of a number of local organisations, among them: Brickworks trustees, Elizabeth House trustees, and the Light Project International.
You can see all my contributions in parliament as well as any public comment I issue on my social media:
Instagram (@jeremycorbyn)
Twitter (@jeremycorbyn)
Facebook (JeremyCorbynMP)
My regular constituency advice sessions have resumed and please do ring my office for an appointment, or for assistance:
Additional telephone appointments with me can also be arranged where that it is sensible.
Tel: 0207 561 7488 (Mon, Tues, Thurs 10am – 12pm)
Write to: Rt Hon Jeremy Corbyn MP, House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA