Islington North Newsletter: June-July 2023

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This month marked the 75th anniversary of the arrival of HMT Empire Windrush. The Windrush Generation built the NHS, enriched our culture, and changed Britain for the better. In return, hundreds were detained and deported. Survivors and descendants deserve more than gratitude. They deserve justice.

June was also Pride month – a chance to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community, commemorate their struggle for equality, and expose the challenges that LGBTQ+ people continue to face. I wrote an article for Tribune to emphasise the overlap between the discrimination of LGBTQ+ people and the discrimination of refugees. Discrimination knows no borders, and neither should our solidarity. You can read the full article here: Jeremy Corbyn: LGBT Rights Are Refugee Rights – Let’s Stand Up for Both (

I have made several media appearances this month on different platforms including LBC, from defending the rights of refugees, and Water, to Peston, condemning the two-child benefit cap.

In Parliament and work with other MPs

Illegal Migration Bill

I was pleased to see that the Court of Appeal ruled against the government’s Rwanda plan. The ruling found what many of us already knew: this policy is in breach of international law. Suella Braverman’s dream of sending asylum seekers to Rwanda may be dead, at least for now. However, we need to remain robust in our opposition to this government’s treatment of refugees.

I spoke in Parliament on several occasions to voice my opposition toward the Illegal Migration Bill (11/07, 17/07). I asked the government to consider why there are 70 million people around the world not in a place they can call their own home. The answer is: wars; human rights abuse; and environmental degradation. As I told the government, instead of putting up barbed wire everywhere, they should respect international law and do something to improve the living conditions of people in places they are trying to flee from. You can read my full contributions here: Illegal Migration Bill – Hansard – UK Parliament and here: Illegal Migration Bill – Hansard – UK Parliament

Human rights

This month, the government brought forward its Anti-boycott Bill (Economic Activity of Public Bodies (Overseas matters) Bill). This legislation prevents UK public bodies from boycotting foreign countries and British companies that trade with them. It is a truly appalling piece of legislation and fits neatly into the bigger picture of anti-democratic legislation currently being promoted.

The Anti-boycott Bill is yet another attack on the civil liberties of people in this country. It is also, quite clearly, an infringement on the rights of those expressing their opposition to Israeli human rights violations. As I told parliament, expressing solidarity with the Palestinian people is not a crime.

I subsequently spoke at a well-attended Justice for Palestine demonstration (05/07) calling for a halt to arms sales.

I voted against the bill – and you can read my full contribution here: Economic Activity of Public Bodies (Overseas Matters) – Hansard – UK Parliament

On Housing, I spoke in the Freehold and Leasehold Reform debate (05/07). I gave testimonies from constituents who have suffered enormous stress and financial difficulty from the existing, broken system. The whole country is suffering from this, and we urgently need a serious process of leasehold reform that gives people some power over their own lives and in their own homes. You can read my full contribution here: Freehold and Leasehold Reform – Hansard – UK Parliament

I belong to several All Party Parliamentary Groups (APPGs) and this month I attended the Dalit APPG AGM (26/06) where I was appointed one of several Vice Chairs. The Mexico APPG of which I’m a member also held it’s AGM (05/07).

I remain an Honorary President of the Chagos Islands (BIOT) APPG, attending on 12/07. Olivier Bancoult who leads the Chagos Refugee Group from his base in Mauritius visited the UK (28/06) and we chatted in my office about the ongoing negotiations between the UK and Mauritius.

I joined with the National Education Union (NEU) and other MPs and activists to hand in a letter to Downing St in support of free school meals for every child in primary school (29/06).

I am also a member of several Parliamentary Groups including the Parliamentary Socialist Campaign Group (SCG). The SCG meets regularly in Parliament to discuss how best to promote a socialist agenda both inside and outside parliament.

You can read my full contributions in Parliament online, either on Hansard or at They Work For You, here: Jeremy Corbyn MP, Islington North – TheyWorkForYou


I attended the summer session of the Parliamentary Assembly Council of Europe (19/06-24/06) in Strasbourg where I spoke out against the UK government’s treatment of refugees. I re-emphasised the importance of international conventions to which we have signed up. I also spoke in support of Julian Assange. Democracy is about holding power to account. That is what Julian Assange has done. I called for Julian’s immediate release, along with all other journalists around the world who have been imprisoned for exposing the truth.


It was wonderful to join friends and neighbours in Highbury Fields (28/06) to celebrate Eid Al Adha. I thanked everybody for coming, and asked everyone to embrace the values of generosity, unity and compassion that define this blessed day. Eid Mubarak!

Highbury Fields Eid celebrations

There is often at least one or two days just before the official summer holidays that see me dashing about all over Islington. This year that day was Saturday July 1st.

I started the day with an LBC Interview on the water crisis. This was followed by an informal meet and greet with constituents over a pre-arranged street stall in Archway. Together, we’re fighting back against the cost-of-greed crisis. We’re demanding a real alternative: pay rises, public ownership, rent controls, and a fully funded NHS!

I then crossed Navigator Square and spoke at the unveiling of a memorial plaque to George Durack (01/07). George had been a stalwart of the community in many roles over the years, including as a local councillor. More recently he held the post of Chair of the Islington Pensioners Forum.

Other Islington events I attended on this busy Saturday included a Highbury Ward social, the annual Jazz on the Green in Newington Green at which I spoke and drew the raffle (Jam, what else) and the Day Mer Festival in Clissold Park, at which I also spoke.

School visits

With the school terms drawing to a close, I have been busy visiting as many schools as I can: Beacon High, Pooles Park, Grafton, Arts and Media, City of London Academy Highgate Hill, Duncombe, and Pakeman Primary School. As always, I enjoyed catching up with the head teachers and speaking with staff and students who always ask very interesting questions! Some schools held end of year assemblies, concerts or picnics and I attended those that I could.

This is also the time of year when I host students on work experience. Wherever possible these are local students. I ensure their time with me is divided between parliament and the constituency and from experience, they usually learn a reasonable amount, and at the same time enjoy themselves.

Strikes / workers’ rights

I was proud to join members of the RMT (06/07) who were on strike at Euston Station. They were there to oppose the government’s announcement to close up to 1,000 ticket offices and issue hundreds of redundancy notices. This decision will make rail travel less safe and accessible.

I was also proud to join our doctors on the Whittington picket line (13/07) who were starting the longest strike in NHS history. Our doctors have always been there for us. We should be there for them. Solidarity.

Doctors’ strike, Whittington Hospital

On the subject of the NHS, this month marked its 75th anniversary – and I enjoyed the Islington celebrations (07/07). The NHS was founded on the principle of free, public and universal healthcare. Let’s vow to end the corporate takeover and restore a fully funded, fully public NHS.

NHS 75, Islington Town Hall

Unison held an open day at Islington (LBI) Town Hall to mark its 30 years anniversary, at which I spoke (30/6).

A very deserving, farewell reception for Mark Serwotka, General Secretary of the PCS Union was attended by many of us in the House of Commons. For 23 years Mark has been excellent in this role, and he will be sorely missed.

Thames Water

Burst pipes. Soaring bills. Polluted rivers. A mountain of debt. Thames Water has ripped off residents in Islington and wreaked havoc across our borough. I have been clear – we need to stop bailing out failed private companies and bring them into public ownership instead. Water is a public good – it should be treated as such. My latest input on democratic public ownership are here: Corbyn: Put water services back in public hands | Islington Tribune

On a local level, I am very grateful to all Thames Water staff and the helpful way the far too regular, repair works are carried out and the nice interaction between the workers and local community. My concerns about the frequent works to Seven Sister’s Road triggered a meeting, and a very productive conversation with officers from Thames Water (30/06).

I was delighted to attend a plaque unveiling for Michael Collins (14/07). Collins was an Irish Republican leader who campaigned for Irish independence in the early 20th century. The plaque was unveiled in Barnsbury Street, at the site of the former Barnsbury Hall, where Collins was initiated into the Irish Republican Brotherhood, in 1909. The event was attended by politicians from both London and Ireland and was a chance for us to celebrate the enormous contributions of the local Irish community to our borough.

I maintain regular contact with most local groups and organisations, and especially those of which I am either a patron or a trustee. This month I met with the Light Project International, Elizabeth House, Hanley Crouch Trustees. Meanwhile, I managed to pop into the Hilldrop Community Centre performance of Midsummer Nights’ Dream (16/07).

I routinely meet with Council Leader Kaya Comer-Schwartz. This month I also had a final chat and offered my thanks to Islington’s outgoing Chief Executive, Linzi Roberts-Egan. Linzi is moving on from Islington in the not-too-distant future but her dedication to the borough will not be forgotten and was to be seen at its best throughout the pandemic. Our heartfelt thanks go to Linzi for her incredible contribution to Islington.

Beyond Islington

It was inspiring to be alongside so many wonderful people at the Durham Miners’ Gala (07/07). It was a day of unity, renewal and solidarity. Whatever is thrown at us, we remain full of hope for a brighter future!

Durham Miners’ Gala

I spoke at the Tennis, Apartheid and Social Justice book launch, at SOAS (26/06). Years ago, Haringey and Islington in particular hosted a large number of South African exiles who were immensely active in all aspects of community life. I was a close friend of the Bhanabhi family, living in Hornsey, and active alongside me in Labour activities. They taught me a great deal about Apartheid, South Africa. When I visited Johannesburg after the release of Mandela, I stayed at their house and visited with many trade unionists and others. I will forever salute the bravery of all the communities in South Africa and the individuals who suffered so much in the work they did to abolish apartheid.

I am fortunate enough to be invited to participate in a myriad of cultural and historical events on a regular basis, though Islington remains top priority. That said, the Durham Miners Gala (mentioned earlier) and the Bradford Literature Festival (02/07), were certainly high points for me in the past few weeks. 700 attended an on-stage interview (“In conversation”: Reflections on Geneva Exchange) with Emeritus Professor Paul Rogers at St George’s Hall.


I was deeply saddened by the news that two people died, and another was injured, in an appalling attack in Archway (30/06). I attended the scene and received updates by the police. I met the families and friends of the deceased – our deepest condolences go to them at this incredibly difficult time. Thank you to Islington Council and Police for their swift response in reassuring the community of their safety and for the continued support and engagement with the community. Too many young people are losing their lives and the knife crime epidemic must be addressed as a national emergency.

Charlotte (Lottie) Moore was given a deserving send off and along with so many others I attended her funeral (04/07). Many people have since mentioned to me Lottie’s significant contribution to the community, be it her commitment to local politics, notably the Women’s Branch, to cultural development (as a singer and actor), to the Light Project Homework Club and many more. This talented and generous woman will be sorely missed by all of us.

I managed an online visit to the memorial service for Annabelle Sreberney (09/07). Many of you will have known Annabelle, who followed in the family tradition (her mother was the wonderful and iconic Margot Sreberney) of being very active in all things local, and a hardy socialist.

You can see all my contributions in parliament as well as any public comment I issue on my social media:

Instagram (@jeremycorbyn)
Twitter (@jeremycorbyn)
Facebook (JeremyCorbynMP)

My regular constituency advice sessions have resumed and please do ring my office if you wish to have an appointment, or for assistance: Additional telephone appointments with me can also be arranged where that it is sensible.

Tel: 0207 561 7488 (Mon, Tues, Thurs 10am – 12pm)

Write to: Rt Hon Jeremy Corbyn MP, House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA
