A people’s plan for Nature

Everyone has a right to be free to access to nature and we must have a national strategy.

I’ve always campaigned on environmental issues, the threat to nature, global warming, and environmental destruction, consistently supporting these issues when they’re raised in Parliament and elsewhere.

I spoke on this during the ‘Protecting and Restoring Nature: COP15 and Beyond’ debate in parliament in July 2022 and the transcript is here:

Protecting and Restoring Nature: COP15 and Beyond – Hansard – UK Parliament

I stand alongside the Wildlife Trusts, the Rambler’s Association and others who are doing such praiseworthy work to defend our precious nature.

A Plan for Nature that would set legally binding targets to kick start the restoration of species and habitats has my full support.  Alongside this it is vital to set up a new environmental tribunal to ensure that decisions are the right ones for nature’s recovery.

To support these actions, we also need a new fully funded Environment Agency, more National Parks, and a revision of protected area designations.

I support any such moves to ensure that we have a proper sustainable plan for nature.